70-Volt Speaker Types
There are a many different types of 70-Volt speakers that are worth mentioning, but we will only cover the main types in this booklet. Keep in mind, it doesn’t matter which brand or model number of a 70-Volt speaker – 70-Volt speakers have to be tapped at some wattage, they need a 70-volt amplifier, and are wired exactly the same.

Ceiling Speakers are installed by cutting out the proper size holes in ceiling tiles or drywall ceilings. For proper coverage, these speakers must be placed where the coverage patterns overlap (so the sound is spread evenly around the room. All “modern” models of 70-Volt speakers will also have a “Thru” selection as well (see below).

As stated previously, current 70-Volt speakers will always have a “Thru” switch on the speaker’s selection panel. When you select “Thru” this bypasses the 70-Volt transformer and provides a direct connection to the speaker. This way you can also utilize the speaker in the 4-ohm or 8-ohm mode as well. This is a great feature which allows more versatility with these types of 70-Volt speakers.