How to Solder 1/4″ Mono TS Phone Connector
In this soldering example will show you how to properly solder a 1/4″ TS Phone connector. These connectors are commonly used as instrument cables (guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, etc).

1) Clear the Work Area. 2) Turn on the Soldering Iron, Fan, Wet the Sponge. 3) Set up your Vice. 4) Ready the Solder, and Most Importantly 5) Put on your Safety Glasses Now!
6. Prepare the Cable and Connectors: The preparation of the cable and connectors go hand in hand, and are combined in this step.
- Determine the cable length you need – roll the cable up slightly.
- Take the 1/4” connector apart (loosen screws slightly).
- Slide the connector handles and inner sleeve on one end of the cable, and in the correct orientation. Do not skip this step or you will have to un-solder your connections to get the handle and inner sleeve on later.

Don’t forget to watch the Video Clip!
- Place the 1/4″ connector in the vice, do not over-tighten.
- Tin the connector leads (see “What is Tinning” Page for further details).
- Prepare both cable ends by stripping the cable jacket back, and then stripping the wire ends to pre-determined lengths (size the wires up to the connectors). Note: If using a 3-Wire Cable – Tie the Black and Shield wires together as shown in the Video (both wires can be used for the Shield).
- Twist the wire strands together as needed – then tin the wires on the end of the cable.

Don’t skip the “Tinning” part. Tinning is very important to ensure a smoother, more reliable soldering process.
7. Soldering: It’s now time to solder the wires to the connector. First, “manipulate” the wires so that they line up with the connector leads. With the connector firmly in the vice, hold the end of the cable and solder the “Shield” wire(s) onto the “Sleeve” connection and then the “Yellow” wire on the “Tip” connection.
Pin configuration: Tip = Hot, Sleeve = Common

Once you are finished soldering the wires to the connector, use needle nose pliers to crimp down on the cable clamp (tighten the clamp over the cable – clamp gently, don’t pinch the cable jacket). Then slide the handle and inner sleeve up the wire and twist the handle on the connector. The handle should “twist” on the connector very easily; if not, there may be a problem with the connector. Un-twist the handle and check the connector. Once you have completed one end of the cable, it’s time to solder a connector to the other end of the cable – follow the same steps as performed above.

All finished: Test the cable and connectors (using your Multimeter or Cable Tester), then wrap the cable (see proper way to wrap a cable). Although the 1/4” mono TS connector is mainly used as guitar/bass guitar/instrument cables, it was also used on unshielded/twisted pair cables for older speaker connections. The 1/4” Mono TS connector is also referred to as a “phone plug” and was initially designed to be used with telephone switchboards.
How to Solder a 1/4″ Mono TS Phone Connector – Video Clip!

Note: The 1/8” mono connector is very similar to the 1/4” mono connector.

Safety must be made a priority whenever you solder – AVCSS Tech World cannot be held responsible or liable for any injuries incurred from any soldering method or technique shown in this Booklet or on our Video Clips. Always use Caution!