Mixing Board Sub Groups – Part Two (Section Two)
Sub-Groups provide a way to “Group” specific mixes together. Example: You have four vocalists and want to turn them all up at once during certain songs. You can create a Sub-Mix by assigning the channels to a “Sub-Group” using the “Channel Assignment” buttons. This allows control of all four microphones simultaneously (using “one” Sub-Group Fader). Sub-Groups are a very common practice for sound board operators.
Channel Assignment Buttons
These buttons allow you to route (assign) channels to Sub-Groups (Sub Mixes). Each of the Channel Assignment buttons (shown right) are designated two numbers. The first button is numbered 1-2, the second 3-4, then 5-6, and the last button is numbered 7-8. A button must be pressed (energized) in order to assign a Channel to a Sub-Group.

Sub-Group / Channel Assignment Example – Using Channel 24: Let’s say that you want to assign Channel 24 to Sub-Group 1. First, press Channel Assignment button “1-2” on Channel 24, then turn the Pan Control on Channel 24 all the way to the left (which assigns the channel to Sub-Group 1). All done! If you want Channel 24 to go to Sub-Group 2 only – you would turn the Pan Control all the way to the right. Turning the Pan control to the center with the Channel Assignment engaged would assign Channel 24 to both Sub-Groups (1 and 2).