March 18, 2025

AVCSS Tech World

Audio / Video Technical Basics

Soldering Safety and the Basic First Steps

Soldering Safety and the Basic First Steps

Safety must be a priority whenever you solder – AVCSS Tech World cannot be held  Responsible or Liable for any injuries incurred from soldering methods/techniques demonstrated in this Booklet. Always use Caution!

*Safety 1st – Always use the following procedures any time you solder!

  1. Do not attempt to solder or use this information if you are a minor – get an adult to supervise you anytime you attempt to solder. Soldering can be dangerous to the inexperienced technician.
  2. Always use Safety Glasses when soldering to protect your eyes and face.
  3. Do not “Flick” a hot iron, use a wet or brass sponge and constantly clean the tip.
  4. Use a Solder Fume Extractor or small Fan to assist with keeping the soldering fumes away from your face (do not inhale solder fumes, solder contains lead which is hazardous to your health).

The “5” First Steps of Proper Soldering
There are a few steps that are recommended that technicians be aware of prior to soldering. These are basic, but important steps to ensure a smooth soldering process.

      Here are the “5” recommended “First Steps” prior to Soldering:

  1. Clear the Work Area: Make sure that the area you are soldering around is Clear and Free of any debris (it is always recommended to solder in a clean and “Clutter Free” area).     
Soldering Safety and the Basic First Steps

2. Turn on the Soldering Iron, Fan, Wet the Sponge: It takes a few minutes for the iron to heat up, so turn it on now. You can start on the other elements while the iron is heating up (like wetting the sponge, turning on the Fan).

3. Set up your Vice: Using a small Vice will help make soldering easier and smoother for you. The Vice acts like another pair of hands (firmly holding the connectors in place during the soldering process).

Soldering Safety and the Basic First Steps

4. Ready the Solder: Place the solder in a position where it can be   easily manipulated – keep a piece of solder sticking up in the air so you will have access to the solder anytime you need it (Covered in the video clip).

5. Put on your Safety Glasses Now: Since the following steps involve soldering, put your safety glasses on now. Not wearing safety glasses just because they are uncomfortable is a poor excuse, and un-safe, (especially when you could easily purchase a more comfortable pair if needed). Your safety must be a high priority anytime you solder! 

Soldering Safety and the Basic First Steps

These steps are basic, easy to implement, and only take a few minutes to perform. Always start with these recommended steps prior to soldering. Yes, they are basic, but very important to ensure a safe and smooth soldering process. Safety is the priority!

Here are the “5” recommended “First Steps” prior to Soldering

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