What are Channel Inserts
Utilizes a special “Y” cable that acts as both the “Input and Output” going into a single channel on the Mixing Board. The cable consists of 2 each – 1/4″ TS Connectors (one for the input and one for the output of the outboard gear – such as a Digital Delay unit). On the other end, 1 – 1/4″ TRS. The TRS “Ring” serves as the input (Returns Signal from the Digital Delay), and the “Tip” serves as the Output (Sends Signal to the Input of the Digital Delay).

Insert Example: Below is a Digital Delay unit on a single Vocal Channel (Ch-6). The TRS connector of the Y-Cable plugs into Channel Insert #6, and the TS (Send Connector – TRS Tip) plugs into the Input Side of the Delay Unit. The TS (Return Connector – TRS Ring) plugs into the Output Side of the Delay Unit. Now you have a Digital Delay Unit that you can fully control on Channel #6. Sub-Groups also have individual Inserts as well. It is common to use a Delay or other Effect on an Analog Mixing Board Sub-Group Channel that has Vocal Channels assigned to it.